fineart-xiamen.a fast growing art co***ny that focuses on the oil painting reproductions, oil painting from photos and other related arts for a low price. We are located in Xiamen, the premier oil painting reproducing center in China. All our products are genuine hand-painted oil paintings on canvas. No machine printing or computer spraying is used. Our painters are all talented artists with Bachelor degrees, thus, museum quality is guaranteed. Our mission is to provide the best value paintings and service for wholesale distributors, galleries, hotels, restaurants, furnishers, interior designers, and consumers as well. With our excellent products and customer service, we have been successfully cooperating with our regular customers from N.America, Europe, etc, providing them the tailor-made cooperation plans. The images on our online catalog had been saved in low resolution for loading speed. Please feel free to contact us if you fail to find your favorites on our online catalog. You also can email us your favorite paintings or mail us books, posters, postcards or photos to create an oils on cavas. email or fax is greatly welcome. Thank you.